
This is profound consolation for us as we find ourselves time and again wandering away from the Father, looking for soul calm anywhere but in his embrace and instruction. Returning to God in fresh contrition, however ashamed and disgusted with ourselves, he will not tepidly pardon. He will abundantly pardon. He does not merely accept us. He sweeps us up in his arms again.

– Dane Ortlund in Gentle and Lowly


Christianity is not about coming to God so that he can direct us to something or someone better than himself, some other thing that will make us ultimately happy. No, God himself is the one in whom all our joy, pleasure, and happiness are found. If we are made for infinite happiness – and that is what every person in the world is groping after – then the only place one will find it is in the one, and only one, who is infinite.

– Matthew Barrett in None Greater