Let Us Ask

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him. – I John 5:14-15 (ESV)

We can have confidence toward God, boldness to actively approach God.  We are God’s beloved children and so we approach Him as children approach a loving parent.

When my toddling grandson is hurt, he runs to mommy.  When he is hungry, he runs to mommy.  When he needs help, he runs to mommy.  When he is happy, he runs to mommy. 

In the same way, when we are hurting or hungry or need help or are happy, we should run to God as His children, as instinctively and automatically as my grandson runs to his mommy.

The cosmic conflict is bigger than us.  All the conflicts we see around us are bigger than us.  The conflict you face today is very likely too big for you.  But none of these conflicts are too big for God. God is bigger.  God is stronger.  We can run to Him.

We run to God with confidence – and we ask, and He hears, and we receive.  This is the equation for prayer that John gives us: We ask + He hears = We receive.  Do you believe that?  Do you have that confidence?  Do you grasp that God delights to answer your prayers, delights to give you what is good?

Now we must ask according to His will. He won’t just give us anything we ask for.  Why not?  Because He is a good Father.  If my grandson wants to play in road or play with a stick of dynamite, his daddy is going to say “no” because it is not good for him.  In the same way, we all too often don’t know what is best for us.  But our Father knows what is best for us, and so He screens our requests according to His will.  His will is not against us, but for us.  Do you believe that?  Will you trust Him?

Come to Him and make your request.  He will hear and gives us what is best.