Saturday Strands

Here are some loose strands from various places for your growth:

The Difficult Discipline of Joy: What Keeps Us from Seeing God? – Clinton Manley (DG)
Joy is indeed a difficult discipline. Greed, self-centeredness, and the relentless pull of inattention constantly creep in and cut us off from divine delights.

With Friendship in Decline, Belonging Is a Powerful Apologetic – Sam Allberry (TGC)
What will show the presence of heaven itself among God’s people? What will show that God is alive and well and right here? It’s our love for one another. This isn’t an afterthought, as though what really mattered were other things and our love for one another was the icing on the cake. No, the quality of our relational life is to be an apologetic to the world around us.

Humility and Overcommitted Busyness – Alasdair Groves (Ligonier)
I want to direct our gaze to a significant blemish on humility in our own generation where we need further chipping and sanding: our overcommitted busyness.

Unpacking “Look inside Yourself” – Brian Rosner (Crossway)
Humans are not self-defining, isolated units. The biggest problem with only looking inside to find yourself is that it is hopelessly reductionistic, ignoring crucial dimensions of what it means to be a human being. Human identity does not exist in isolation, it cannot be defined without reference to the narrative in which it finds itself. We know ourselves by looking around to our closest relationships, back and forward to our shared life stories, and upward to something bigger than ourselves. We are profoundly social, deeply story-driven, and we have eternity in our hearts.

Flashback: The Shepherd’s Care
Is this how you think of God – as a gentle shepherd?

Passion Points

Here are some good posts for your weekend reading:

The Offensively Ordinary Steps to Godliness – Scott Hubbard (DG)
The pursuit of holiness, then, is both easier and harder than many of us imagine: Easier because our growth in grace often happens gradually, one small step at a time. Harder because sanctification has now invaded all of life. Holiness is hidden in offensively ordinary tasks, and those tasks are all around us.

Gratitude Leads to Joy – Gavin Ortlund
What I have been experiencing is that this simple habit of directing our focus on the good things in my life has the most incredible power to create joy.

6 Powerful Keys To Overcoming Anger – Mark Altrogge
Here is the most helpful question to ask ourselves when we are feeling angry: What is it that I want right now that I’m not getting?

3 Reasons Drifting From the Faith Starts With Drifting From the Church – Michael Kelley
We must not abandon the church if we want to persevere in the faith. We must keep going to keep ourselves going. The church is God’s gift to us – each one of us – not so that we have a perfect experience there, but because we are weak, and we really do need the help.

Hope you have a great Lord’s Day with your local church!

We Have Found…

In Christ, we have found a great love that came down to suffer with us and die for us.

In Christ, we have found a great peace with God – a relationship we can enjoy during the darkest storms of life.

In Christ, we have found a great hope that pierces the monster of death and transcends the grave.

In Christ, we have found a great joy as we remember the great love, peace, and hope we have found.